Key Takeaways: Top 10 solar batteries

  • Most expensive? Generac PWRcell at over £14,000
  • Waterproof guarantee? Puredrive, but only valid if fitted by their installer
  • Lifetime guarantee? Moixa, only f you sign up for Moixa Gridshare – but you pay for that by giving 50% of everything you export money wise back to Moixa..
  • Smallest storage capacity? Enphase AC has the smallest
  • Think about depth of discharge, storage capacity, usable energy, lifespan
  • A battery can depend on the inverter you’re using it with

Best solar batteries in the UK, according to our experts

We’ve asked around the office and the techies have recommended us 10 great solar batteries that will help you save money for years to come.

What are the best solar batteries and how do they compare?

BatteryPriceDimensionsWeightDepth of dischargeWarrantyStorage capacityUsable capacityMax power outputInstallation
Tesla Powerwall 2£7, 450Height 1,150mm x Width 753 x Depth 147mm114kg100%10 years13.5 kWh13.5 kWh5.0 kWStanding or Mounted
Alpha Smile 5 ESS 10.1£5,758Height 160mm x Width 610.5mm x Depth 236mm100kg90%10/3 years10.5 kWh96.1 kWh4.0 kWStanding
Puredrive PureStorage II£2,660Height 737mm x Width 737mm x Depth 387mm69kg90%10 years5 kWh4.5 kWh5.0 kWStanding or mounted
Moixa Smart Battery£4,450Height 345mm x Width 505mm x Depth 245mm80kg85%10/3 years4.8 kWh4.04 kWh850 WMounted
Greenlinx£2,500Height 484mm x Width 302mm x Depth 165mm34.9 kg100%10 years3.2 kWh3.2 kWh2.4 kWhMounted
Huawei Luna 2000 5kWh£2,700Height 960mm x Width 670mm x Depth 150mm63.8 kg100%10 years5 kWh5 kWh3.5 kWhStacked
SolaX Triple Power HV 11.6kWh£5,270Height 708mm x Width 474mm x Depth 193mm72.2 kg99%10 years11.6 kWh11.5 kWh4 kWhStacked
Generac PWRcell£14,600Height 1727mm x Width 559mm x Depth 254mm208 kg96%10 years9 – 34 kWh17.8 kWh11 kWhStacked – Standing
LG Chem Resu-10H£4,321.32Height 744mm x Width 744 mm x Depth 206mm97 kg96%10 years9.8 kWh8.8 kWh5 kWhMounted – Standing
Enphase AC Battery£2500Height 325mm x Width 390 mm x Depth 220mm23 kg96%10 years1.2 kWh1.15 kWh260 kWhMounted 

Our solar battery expert’s walkthrough

Here we have Robert Cathcart, breaking down the top 10 rated solar batteries. It’s not in a particular order because they’re all different, and have different advantages and disadvantages.. 

Tesla Powerwall 2 – £7, 450 (Average)

The Powerwall 2 is the second-generation hybrid battery from Tesla.
It has an immense amount of storage at 13.5 kWh, which is more than enough to run an average household for a day.
The system has all that storage, a built-in inverter and something called the Backup Gateway. This Gateway communicates with the Tesla app to tell you all about your energy usage.
You can stack power walls together for more storage but it may be a bit overkill.
Powerwalls will charge from either a PV array or from the grid – the app will control this.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 1,150mm x Width 753 x Depth 147mm
Weight 114kg
Depth of discharge 100%
Warranty 10-years
Storage capacity 13.5 kWh
Usable capacity 13.5 kWh
Max power output  5.0 kW
Installation Standing or Mounted

Alpha Smile 5 ESS 10.1 – £5,758 (Average)

At around £7,500 for a storage of 9.1 kWh, the Alpha Smile5 Ess 10.1 is surprisingly good value for money.

That may be hard to believe at that price but if you compare it to the Encharge 10T, which stores 10 kWh of electricity and comes in at a cool £8,374, the Smile 5 looks pretty cheap.
It will happily work as part of many solar systems and is an exceptionally durable way to store your energy, lasting well over 10 years on average.
The only downer we can find on this battery is the weird small print that states the battery must be connected to the internet for the entirety of its 10 warranty or that warranty will drop to 3 years – and if the battery is disconnected from the ‘net for more than 20 minutes you must contact Alpha and let the, know.

Specification  Value
Dimensions  Height 160mm x Width 610.5mm x Depth 236mm
Weight  100kg
Depth of discharge  90%
Warranty  10/3 years
Storage capacity  10.5 kWh
Usable capacity  96.1 kWh
Max power output   4.0 kW
Installation  Standing

Puredrive PureStorage II – £2,660

The price has dropped a fair amount for the Puredrive PureStorage, but it is probably more indicative of the kind of money people spend on their solar battery.
Buying an array of separate batteries, that are smaller and cheaper, maybe a better idea in the long run as you can replace them as they degrade and not have a huge layout of cash all at once.
Anyway, the Puredrive PureStorage works with most inverters, has an Integrated DC isolator, a whopping 10,000 cycles and is IP65 weather and waterproof.

It is worth noting that the warranty is only valid if the installer is Puredrive Certified.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 737mm x Width 737mm x Depth 387mm
Weight 69kg
Depth of discharge 90%
Warranty 10 years
Storage capacity 5 kWh
Usable capacity 4.5 kWh
Max power output 5.0 kW
Installation Standing or mounted

Moixa Smart Battery – £4,450

The Moixa Smart battery is very similar to other solar batteries, and let’s be honest there isn’t much difference in any of them, so to entice you in they have gone all out on the warranty. 

Most solar batteries come with a 10-year guarantee, and the Moixa is no different, but if you sign up for Moixa Gridshare they will extend that to a lifetime guarantee.
Yep, that battery is for life so long as Moixa are getting 50% of the cash for the electricity you export to the grid… so, you have to weigh up whether having a battery for life is better value than selling your energy to a normal supplier via SEG…. or if you want to sell it Moixa for that guarantee.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 345mm x Width 505mm x Depth 245mm
Weight 156.9g
Depth of discharge 85%
Warranty 10/3 years
Storage capacity 4.8 kWh
Usable capacity 4.04 kWh
Max power output 850 W
Installation Mounted

Greenlinx – £2500

Greenlinx offers one of the cheapest, yet most reliable, batteries on the market today.
They are small, lightweight, and able to discharge 100% due to the excellent battery management storage.
They can be linked together to increase storage which, again, means you can save up for extra storage or replace one battery without having to lay out huge amounts of cash.
You can monitor each battery individually using the management system and they work well with the LuxPower Hybrid Inverter.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 484mm x Width 302mm x Depth 165mm
Weight 34.9 kg
Depth of discharge 100%
Warranty 10 years
Storage capacity 3.2 kWh
Usable capacity 3.2 kWh
Max power output 2.4 kWh
Installation Mounted

Huawei Luna 2000 5kWh- £2,700

The Luna 2000 is another modular system that allows you to build your storage up, or down, depending on your needs and budget.

The batteries stack on top of each other, they are 5kWh each, you can have 3 in one stack to create 15kWh of storage and linking 2 stacks together is possible.

It really is a very elegant solution and the batteries connect to a control module that communicates with the inverters and apps

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 960mm x Width 670mm x Depth 150mm
Weight 63.8 kg
Depth of discharge 100%
Warranty 10 years
Storage capacity 5 kWh
Usable capacity 5 kWh
Max power output 3.5 kWh 
Installation Stacked

SolaX Triple Power HV 11.6kWh – £5,270

Solax offers another modular battery solution with their Triple Power HV.
Each 5.8kWh battery can be hooked up to 3 other batteries to give a whopping capacity of 23kWh!

Solax has also made their latest models much more tolerant to temperature changes, which makes them reliable in extreme weather.
The public is very happy with these batteries as they are getting rave reviews all over the internet.

We feel the modular systems will be the future of energy storage, as it allows customers to purchase, or replace, batteries as they have the funds.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 708mm x Width 474mm x Depth 193mm
Weight 72.2 kg
Depth of discharge 99%
Warranty 10 years
Storage capacity 11.6 kWh
Usable capacity 11.5 kWh
Max power output 4 kWh
Installation Stacked

Generac PWRcell – £14,60

You probably need a minute to get over that enormous price tag – but what is it you get for your money?

This is another scalable system, going up in 3 kWh to an eyewatering 34 kWh!
That’s pretty much total self-sufficiency from the grid if you have the panels to charge the system.

The 11 kWh is the one we are looking at for a start, that’s the biggest capacity of any single battery on this list, including industry leader Tesla.
Also, the Smart Management Modules help you to manage where your electricity is going, either the home or the grid.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 1727mm x Width 559mm x Depth 254mm
Weight 208 kg
Depth of discharge 96%
Warranty 10 years
Storage capacity 9 – 34 kWh
Usable capacity 17.8 kWh
Max power output 11 kWh
Installation Stacked – Standing

LG Chem Resu-10H – £4,321.32

LG is a name you can trust when it comes to electronics, and their battery storage solutions are no different.

They have been working on making the installation process much more simple by simplifying connectors and ensuring this battery is super lightweight.
The firmware for battery management can be updated using an SD card plus the battery fits a huge range of inverters and features the ‘World Best Energy Density’.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 744mm x Width 744 mm x Depth 206mm
Weight 97 kg
Depth of discharge 96%
Warranty 10 years
Storage capacity 9.8 kWh
Usable capacity 8.8 kWh
Max power output 5 kWh
Installation Mounted – Standing

Enphase AC Battery – £2500

Enphance offers entire systems including batteries, inverters and controllers, and their batteries are a fabulous solution for someone wishing to build their system as they use it.

They come in 1.2 kWh modules, which is by far the smallest amount of storage of any battery on this list.

You can start off with that kind of storage and, if you wish, add in another 13 batteries to get your system up to a cool 16.8 kWh – which is more than enough for a 5 bed, family home.
Of course, you have to have the panels to charge the battery, which is another brilliant aspect of this system as you can add batteries, and panels as you go along.

Another thing worth mentioning is the operating temperatures range from minus 20 to plus 45 degrees Celsius, so even if you live in the wilds of the Scottish Highlands, or just outside Penzance, your batteries are never going to fail you.

Specification Value
Dimensions Height 325mm x Width 390 mm x Depth 220mm
Weight 23 kg
Depth of discharge 96%
Warranty 10 years
Storage capacity 1.2 kWh
Usable capacity 1.15 kWh
Max power output 260 kWh
Installation Mounted

How do we measure up the top 10 ‘best’ solar batteries then?

  • Storage capacity
  • Depth of discharge
  • Operating temperature
  • Lifespan

What’s storage capacity?

Storage capacity is the amount of power a battery can store – and discharge. It’s measured in kilowatt hours, or kWh, much the same as the units on the electricity bill.

The way batteries work is by storing electrical energy as chemical energy within a very delicately balanced collection of materials, including electrolytes and negatively charged semiconductors along with their positive counterparts.
Power comes from the inverter, and is absorbed by the battery as ‘potential energy’ and, when an appliance draws current from the battery, a reaction creates the electricity again and the appliance bursts into life.
The amount of material inside the batteries, and the mixing of materials, gives you the capacity.

The capacity written on the side of the battery is NOT always the capacity you get as discharging a battery to 0% can create a short circuit and cause damage.

What’s depth of discharge?

The depth of discharge metric is the amount of power you can draw from the battery before the battery management systems stop you. Most batteries come with a depth of charge of around 94 – 96% but some modern batteries will allow a 100%.
If they can discharge to 100% it means the battery management is doing its work and the battery will start charging again as soon as it hits that 100%, which will draw power from the system… which is a bit of a waste.

What is operating temperature?

Lithium Ion batteries can function between minus 20 and plus 60 Celsius but they are best kept at plus 10 to plus 30 Celsius. 

See, heat is a particularly important factor in the efficiency and longevity of a battery, with higher temperatures causing problems for the chemicals inside.
Different types of batteries can stand various kinds of extreme temperatures but, here in the UK, most batteries installed in solar systems are Lithium Ion. So, as the UK has fairly temperate weather, your battery will be functioning well all year.

What is the lifespan of a solar battery?

The lifespan of a battery is measured in how many cycles of charging and discharging it can handle before it starts to lose its ability to retain a charge.

For a standard Lithium-Ion battery, the charge cycles can be between 4000 and 6000 which, at 1 cycle a day, would be a lifespan of 10 – 15 years.
During the winter, your battery may charge and discharge twice a day.

How much does solar battery storage cost?

It varies because when it comes to the cost of a solar battery, or a stack of solar batteries, the price will be dependent on the amount of storage you want. A simple rule of thumb is: the more storage you have, the more expensive your battery, or batteries, will be.

Problem is, we can’t say 1kwh of storage with cost you ‘X’ amount of pounds. Take for instance the Tesla Powerwall, which is currently able to store 13.5 kWh of usable energy, is around £5,400 as of July 2023. While a Greenlinx Battery that stores 3.2kWh retails for around £1,100.

With the Tesla there will be a few quid added on for the name, but you can see how storage and price works. Find out more about the costs of solar battery storage systems.

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